
MAC Address spoofing with Spoof

What is Spoof?

Spoof is a series of programs to help you spoof the MAC address on your built in airport card. There are actually four different programs you can use depending on what service you need.

Which Spoof am I?

Inside the install download that contains this file are four folders which contain programs: Keychain only, MAC Prompt, Password & MAC Prompt and Random No Prompts. Here is a quick overview of what each program does.

Keychain only:
This program will change your MAC address to a specific value you set. It will not prompt you for anything. If you always need to have your MAC address set to a certain value other than its default, this is the program for you. Great as a login item.
-Requires a keychain.
-Must be compiled.

MAC Prompt:
This program will automatically generate a random valid MAC address to assign your airport card. It will ask you for what you want to change the MAC address to. You may decide to stay with the random one or input any one you choose.
-Requires a keychain.
-Requires support file.

Password & MAC Prompt:
This program is exactly the same as MAC prompt but it will additionally ask you for your password. The reason you would use this program is if you don't know how or don't want to create a keychain.
-Requires support file.

Random No Prompts:
This program automatically assigns a random valid MAC address to your built in Airport card. It will not prompt you for anything. If you always want your MAC address to be different, this program is the one for you. Ideal as a login item.
-Requires keychain.
-Requires support file.




Keychain only:
Create a new keychain:
Go to /Applications/Utilities/ and open Keychain Access.
Go to File->New Password Item...
Set the name to "MacSpoof" without the quotes.
Set the Account Name to your user account.
Set the Password to your user password(must be administrator).
Hit "Add."

Edit the script:
Open the "Spoof" script in the Keychain Only folder. Double clicking it should open it with "Script Editor".
Change the MAC address in the third line of code to whatever you want.
do shell script "sudo ifconfig en1 lladdr 12:34:56:78:9a:bc" password U_Pass with administrator privileges
do shell script "sudo ifconfig en1 lladdr ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff" password U_Pass with administrator privileges
Go to File->Save As...
From the "File Format:" menu change the value from "Script" to "Application".
Uncheck the "Startup Screen" box.
Click "Save".

MAC Prompt:
Create a new keychain:
Go to /Applications/Utilities/ and open Keychain Access.
Go to File->New Password Item...
Set the name to "MacSpoof" without the quotes.
Set the Account Name to your user account.
Set the Password to your user password(must be administrator).
Hit "Add."

Add the support file:
Simply drag the folder titled "Spoof" into the "Application Support" alias from the installer download. Alternatively, you may drag the folder "Spoof" straight into the Application Support folder of your hard drive--NOT your user account.

Password & MAC Prompt:
Add the support file:
Simply drag the folder titled "Spoof" into the "Application Support" alias from the installer download. Alternatively, you may drag the folder "Spoof" straight into the Application Support folder of your hard drive--NOT your user account.

Random No Prompts:
Create a new keychain:
Go to /Applications/Utilities/ and open Keychain Access.
Go to File->New Password Item...
Set the name to "MacSpoof" without the quotes.
Set the Account Name to your user account.
Set the Password to your user password(must be administrator).
Hit "Add."

Add the support file:
Simply drag the folder titled "Spoof" into the "Application Support" alias from the installer download. Alternatively, you may drag the folder "Spoof" straight into the Application Support folder of your hard drive--NOT your user account.